Hi. if fps is slow down try 1.check how u have settings power option. 2. Turn off windows defender = bitdefender but for good. Message when u will done DISABLED
Good advice use other antivirus which is commpatible with swos.
DO NOT USING : AVG. AVIRA and many others which will be warrning about WinUEA.exe
and make a laggy, higher ping. If pimg jumking over 20ms is
this aplication foult. Usally p2p ping to 20ms is ok.
Sometimes you have to call to you provider of internet, and ask them about them protection and possible way for past this protection.
For ADSL you can also ask about turn on FASTPATH modulation mode on you LAND LINE.
Makes you connection better less pings for connect by p2p or server.
And mostly antiviruses u have to Create a RULE APLICATION for winuea.exe and ports: 27886, 27888 tcp/upd or choose Both is almost the same like u forwardings ports in u router
Ps. Sometimes graphic card u have to tested with resolution.
My opinion is the best 720x576, mark full screen. Double mode.
The best regards and good luck in new season.
Btw; is thrue the whorst system is was installed on my son laptop