Si, vengono indicati 6 ms nel peggiore dei casi (minimo 2 ms). Più nel dettaglio:
About latency
There are two variables:
USB Latency: raphnet advXarch adapters are USB Full Speed devices configured to be polled at 1ms intervals (the maximum frequency) by the host PC. The latency introduced by USB is therefore fixed at 1ms.
Controller poll interval: That is, how often the adapter reads the controller status. This parameter is configurable using the Adapter manager. The default for most adapters is 5ms, but it can be lowered down to 2ms or lower depending on the adapter model.
The total latency is therefore 1ms + [configured poll interval]. This results in a minimum total latency of 3ms, and of 6ms by default. (For an adapter with a minimum poll interval of 2ms)
Some 3rd party N64 and Gamecube controllers are known to misbehave when the poll interval is set too low (because consoles typically polls at 16ms intervals). This is why the default is higher at 5ms rather than the minimum value.
La "V1", stando ai dati riportati, sarebbe più lenta di 2 ms:
Genesis/SMS/Atari controller to USB adapter (v1) -
Questa invece è l'ultima versione del "
management tool" (2.1.23, del 10/3/2021):
Raphnet adapter management tool -
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