Cerco qualcuno disposto a prestarci 8.780.349 €, a inizio stagione 20 ne restituirò 9.180.349 (guadagno per voi = 400.000 €).
La formula è la solita, acquistate una riserva per quella cifra che poi ricomprerò a 0 e in Sessione 0 della Stagione 20 faremo l'inverso di modo che possa restituirvi il denaro.
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I'm looking for someone willing to spot us 8.780.349 €, you'll get back 9.180.349 € (you'd be earning 400.000 €) as soon as Season 20 takes off.
Here's how we're gonna do it:
1. you're gonna buy one of my reserve players for 8.780.349 €;
2. I'll buy back the player right away for 0 €;
3. as soon as session 0 of Season 20 starts off, I'll buy one of your reserve players for 9.180.349 €;
4. you'll buy back the reserve player for 0 right after.