I'm having a problem with my balance, making an mistake creating two custom players.
I was building my roster making offers for thirteen free agents, then I was creating three custom players.
Suddenly I recognized I'm spending with all players 47 mill., that was too much.
So, it is not possible to step back from offers for the free agents. I wanted to "delete" two custom players, and make two new cheaper ones. Both were worth 3 mill. each. I was clicking "rescindi"...
But the players are not deleted, they are just "free agents" now, I was dissolving the contracts and had to pay a fee for that!
That is a problem, I created two new custom players worth 500k each. But the 6 mill. "spent" on the first custom players is still deducted from my balance!!! Is there any way to get the original custom players back, so that I lower the statistics to make them worth 500k each???
I dont want to break the rules, and I dont want to have any special rules, as it is a game, but as it is not possible to step back for example from two free agents offers, I dont have any idea what to do.
Thanks in advance