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ARGOMENTO: Sanzioni amministrative

Sanzioni amministrative 19/10/2016 20:02 #42943

  • ruhbi
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again like evry season to this topic.

i dont understand wy i have to pay evry season penalty?
i pay just in this second stage of stagione Sanzioni amministrative - 4.443.334 € !!!!!
and in first i payed 2,5 MLN.

and wy?

maybe its following passus, but i am not able to translate it.

"Superando i 18 mln di € di stipendi, viene addebitato
sul bilancio il 200% del surplus, in corrispondenza del
degli stipendi."

is there anyone who can translate in english?, and can me explain how it was calculatet in my case.

my annual costas are 19.332.500 €
Ultima modifica: 19/10/2016 20:04 da ruhbi.
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Sanzioni amministrative 19/10/2016 20:13 #42944

  • Spaced
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Mate, you are over the salary cap, that's why you are fined.
Tornerà a volare...
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Sanzioni amministrative 19/10/2016 20:14 #42945

  • nzviola
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is all correct

your surplus is € 3.332.500,00 (€ 19.332.500,00 - 16.000.000)
you pay the 200% of this amount, so
you pay in the season 6665000.00 for surplus

the total (that you see in your balance) is
2221667 at the end of the session 0
4443333 at the end of the session 1
6665000 at the end of the session 2 and for the rest of the season
Ultima modifica: 19/10/2016 20:15 da nzviola.
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Sanzioni amministrative 19/10/2016 20:16 #42946

  • nzviola
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ruhbi ha scritto:
my annual costas are 19.332.500 €

plus 6.665.000.00 because you are over the salary cap
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Sanzioni amministrative 21/10/2016 10:27 #42975

  • ruhbi
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ok, so thx for explain. now i have understood and can plan with this passus.

so i have to reduce my playervalue vor next season:(

but i give to think: I have such a expansive team also becouse i operated much and sometimes well on market, and tryed always to have little plus in end of season. For me trading, accounting, and so on is also a big part in soccer, and in sensible carrer mode^^ too. So i go not conform with regulations of high budget. With this rules it will never be possible to have the best players like messi, ronaldo and so on in team. Is this intended?
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Sanzioni amministrative 21/10/2016 10:48 #42976

  • aijup
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Ruhbi.....tu rubi?
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Sanzioni amministrative 06/11/2016 11:57 #43519

  • ruhbi
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at the end of this season i looked at my finaces and have horrible values again

Sanzioni amministrative - 12.118.334 €

how can it be that this is almost double of the value nzviola calculated in post before.
in last three seasons i got in end of season such utopia penaltys. is this a wrong automatism?
and can u please correct it?
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Sanzioni amministrative 06/11/2016 12:27 #43520

  • nzviola
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ruhbi ha scritto:
at the end of this season i looked at my finaces and have horrible values again

Sanzioni amministrative - 12.118.334 €

how can it be that this is almost double of the value nzviola calculated in post before.
in last three seasons i got in end of season such utopia penaltys. is this a wrong automatism?
and can u please correct it?

your balance is ok
i have ceck it yesterday, the total is ok
but i forgot to change the "sanzioni amministrative"
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Sanzioni amministrative 06/11/2016 12:30 #43521

  • nzviola
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Incassi per risultati positivi	0	€ 19.884.000,00
Incassi cessione di calciatori	0	€  7.840.000,00
Costo di acquisto calciatori	-0	€  5.460.000,00
Penali per rescissione       	-0	           0 €
Sanzioni amministrative	        -0	€ 12.118.334,00
Perdite per risultati negativi	-0	           0 €
Stipendi già pagati	         -0	€ 19.332.501,00
[color=#ff0000]BILANCIO ATTUALE	 	-€ 3.856.824,00[/color]

now i have change "sanzioni amministrative"
Incassi per risultati positivi	0	€ 19.884.000,00
Incassi cessione di calciatori	0	€ 7.840.000,00
Costo di acquisto calciatori	-0	€ 5.460.000,00
Penali per rescissione          -0	0 €
Sanzioni amministrative	        -0	€ 6.665.000,00
Perdite per risultati negativi	-0	0 €
Stipendi già pagati	        -0	€ 19.332.501,00
BILANCIO ATTUALE	 	€ 1.596.510,00

but the total was correct
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