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ARGOMENTO: hdf problems

hdf problems 14/06/2017 21:32 #51626

  • Armando
  • Avatar di Armando
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i want said that the first hdf than i download about 18:00 more or less i played with nestor, ERIC BAUTHEAC and JUAN MARTINEZ were in my team,i tryed to play now with shogun and i had a desync, i update now and the tean was diferent, DONOVAN is now for ERIC BAUTHEAC and FABIO CONOCCHIOLI intead JUAN MARTINEZ

i played my first game with a diferent team (ERIC BAUTHEA, JUAN MARTINEZ)
i dont know if i must play more

02-06-2017|20:43:01 Cessione 1945 ERIC BAUTHEAC
24-05-2017|19:38:32 Cessione 6861 JUAN MARTINEZ

maybe others players have similar problem
Ultima modifica: 14/06/2017 21:57 da Armando.
L\'Argomento è stato bloccato.

hdf problems 14/06/2017 22:04 #51627

  • Isidoro
  • Avatar di Isidoro
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Armando ha scritto:
i want said that the first hdf than i download about 18:00 more or less i played with nestor, ERIC BAUTHEAC and JUAN MARTINEZ were in my team,i tryed to play now with shogun and i had a desync, i update now and the tean was diferent, DONOVAN is now for ERIC BAUTHEAC and FABIO CONOCCHIOLI intead JUAN MARTINEZ

i played my first game with a diferent team (ERIC BAUTHEA, JUAN MARTINEZ)
i dont know if i must play more

02-06-2017|20:43:01 Cessione 1945 ERIC BAUTHEAC
24-05-2017|19:38:32 Cessione 6861 JUAN MARTINEZ

maybe others players have similar problem

I'm going to update hdf file again.

"Come diceva sempre il mio vecchio: se hai un amico di cui fidarti, non ti se ti fidi ciecamente, allora diffida!è hai un amico ciueco...ehm...bhè, comunque: il mio vecchio, credimi, la sapeva lunga!"
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