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ARGOMENTO: SERIE C2 B: disponibilità - Meet your opponents

SERIE C2: disponibilità - Meet your opponents 23/12/2014 23:20 #11310

  • jj_
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Sorry, I didn´t get notification from your forum entries yesterday.
Anyways, I will be online from 9 PM starting.
I thought on the last day, the ppl who still have to play some games will gather in the chatroom.

Clarosso and me weren't still able to catch Pramozzz too.

And I'm not sure what to do after the 23rd then.
Sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca...
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SERIE C2: disponibilità - Meet your opponents 24/12/2014 00:19 #11313

  • Spaced
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jj_ ha scritto:
Sorry, I didn´t get notification from your forum entries yesterday.
Anyways, I will be online from 9 PM starting.
I thought on the last day, the ppl who still have to play some games will gather in the chatroom.

Clarosso and me weren't still able to catch Pramozzz too.

And I'm not sure what to do after the 23rd then.

Unplayed games will be defaulted.
It works like that: you have more games than your opponent, you win 2-0; your opponent has more games than you, you lose 0-2. You and your opponent have the same amount of games, you get a 2-2 draw.
Tornerà a volare...
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SERIE C2: disponibilità - Meet your opponents 11/01/2015 10:59 #11678

  • Retrieving
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al momento sono impossibilitato a giocare la sera perchè solitamente, tra le 21 e le 23:30 la mia dolce metà si appropria della connessione con almeno 2 o 3 device in Wi-Fi, vediamo dunque di metterci d'accordo per un pomeriggio o una pausa pranzo.

- - -

I've been having difficulties playing during the evening lately because my gf being online with several devices (such as smartphone, laptop and stuff) over Wi-Fi prevents me from having a connection stable enough to play SWOS, any chance you guys could make yourself available in the afternoon (as a general rule of thumb, between 17 and 21) or over lunch breaks instead?

Please let me know, much appreciated.
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SERIE C2: disponibilità - Meet your opponents 19/01/2015 18:12 #11895

  • Kanu
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Black82: stasera posso esserci dalle 20:30 in poi

Paranormal: I can be online from 8:30 pm tonight
"I grandi spiriti hanno sempre incontrato violenta opposizione da parte delle menti mediocri". [Albert Einstein]
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SERIE C2: disponibilità - Meet your opponents 19/01/2015 20:05 #11897

  • Taffo
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Stasera posso esserci dalle 20:30 in poi/I can be online from 8:30 pm tonight
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SERIE C2: disponibilità - Meet your opponents 19/01/2015 22:18 #11904

  • Taffo
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I need my turkish friend Paranormal and JJ_ :)
You can find me everey from 8:30/9 to 10/10:30 p.m also you can write me in private to make arrangements (?) for match! :)
See you ;)
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SERIE C2: disponibilità - Meet your opponents 21/01/2015 13:51 #11981

  • jj_
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I still have to play, Black82 and ParanormalJoe until the deadline Thursday Midnite. I will be available starting around 22:30 today and on the last day tomorrow.

Sul ponte sventola bandiera bianca...
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SERIE C2: disponibilità - Meet your opponents 21/01/2015 13:54 #11982

  • Retrieving
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Black, sarebbe possibile avere un feedback da parte tua? Uno straccio di orario o roba simile.
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SERIE C2: disponibilità - Meet your opponents 21/01/2015 18:08 #11998

  • Spaced
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Retrieving ha scritto:
Black, sarebbe possibile avere un feedback da parte tua? Uno straccio di orario o roba simile.

È fuori per lavoro.
Inutile aspettarlo in chat, non rientrerà prima della scadenza.
Tornerà a volare...
Ultima modifica: 21/01/2015 18:10 da Spaced.
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SERIE C2: disponibilità - Meet your opponents 22/01/2015 14:46 #12019

  • simonefla
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Paranormaljoe where are you? I'am on chat any night at about 22.00.

Avvocatucoli, che tremare il mondo fa.

Sensible Soccer, non ti abbandonerò mai.

Con il Milan nel cuore, nel profondo dell'anima.
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I seguenti utenti ringraziano:: Paranormaljoe
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