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ARGOMENTO: CE Frankfurt 96

CE Frankfurt 96 03/09/2015 23:48 #23606

  • DoTa
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Full name: Croatia Eintracht Frankfurt
Nickname(s): -not yet-
Short name: CEF 96
Founded: 1996, 09/2015 SWOSIT
Ground: Waldstadion
Capacity: 48000
President: DOTA
Manager: Armin Veh
League: SWOSIT-C2

First Days

DOTA: "We are happy to join the SWOS-IT League, but still trying to learn more italian, so that I not need a translator anymore. Cercando di imparare l'italiano . Così Ciao SWOSIT. ;)"

First friendlies and a scandal

Armin Veh: "We are glad to had such a glorious team to guest in our stadion. We are in the preparation for the league, so its helpfull to play vs higher class teams. But we the scores are not so important, cause with my endurance training all players are tired, so we have alot of work to do. But im optimistic what I saw. Propably we will need 1-2 more Players. I think this team has potential. And to our supporters, no comment."
4:4 - at min 88. abandoned, right after compensation of diabolika

Both Presidents of the club are shocked. Nobody expect that in the first games the supporters are goin crazy. They demolished at minute 88. the lighting, everything goes black. DOTA: "SHAME ON YOU" Supporters: "WE DONT WANNA RECEIVE 4 GOALS!!!" Yes, not only in real football, we got a hooligan problem xD. And btw. to italians, 'Ci dispiace per i tifosi croati in Italia . Incredibile .'.

To a big name away

Armin Veh: "Thats the diffrent between worldclass players and our. But i hope they enjoy and learn alot of these game. 2-3 goals less would be nice in future :)."

Test against top favourite in C2

Armin Veh: "Glad to sparring with a real good team in league. They should be easily qualify to C1. So lets hope we learn about ball control, else we have to care that next year we will play in D-League. At least we got a good penalty shooter, he scores easily both penalties in second game."

Test against top team in C1

Armin Veh: "Receiving 7 goals, PLS TEAM WAKE UP!!! Next two games the squad did a better job. We are not really ready for the leaugue, i hope there wont be a bad surprise at begin of the season. Every Player has to work hard and concentrate until season start."

Test against good defender in D

Armin Veh: "Good practice for us. I can just say that this Fat Team got a nice defence, they have to improve their attack and then they should attack the top of D-League."

Season Start


Armin Veh: "Really nice start. My Team was concentrate. Im really happy to start like this in the season."
ERODE RE: No Comment.

Armin Veh: "Again i can just congratulate my team. Worked and played well. And this Crocco of Regnoduesicile its just an amazing player two chances two goals. Respect."

Armin Veh: "Im really happy. It was the top game. Both teams were unbeaten. Im so happy to won this important game."

Armin Veh: "Uff really lucky we were in this game. My team sleep whole, they can be lucky to have Olliech in team. The Rematch will be hard."
ZJAREK: "We played vs the leader in our leaugue, im not satisfy, silly mistakes in defense and ineffectiveness in attack."

Armin Veh: "I hope we can play as the four games before. I think will be hard fight, cause SC Corona Bari searching for the first win in this season."
GIAMPIERO VENTURA: "La squadra ha giocato due partite con ottima prestazione ma è stata molto sfortunata,cerchiamo una vittoria per far salire il morale."
Armin Veh: "Im really happy. It was amazing to see, how brillant our attack were, also our Goalkeeper did a good job. Probably 2-3 goals to high diffrence."
GIAMPIERO VENTURA: "Sono molto scontento meritavamo di più ci manca la freddezza davanti alla porta."

Armin Veh: "To heavy rain no chances to play in such conditions. The Refree decide well. Now we need to find a new date, wont be easy in such closly spaced matches."
MANAGER: "..."
cancelled, heavy rainfall
Armin Veh: "This team is a big questionmark. We didnt find many informations about the new founded club. We were spectated them in practice and noticed they huge quality of their attackers. Lets hope we can get a good result with our selfconfidence from the first games."
MANAGER: "Well, I expect it will be a tough game in this new league and CE Frankfurt 86 are a good team, so I expect nothing. We will play for a draw!"

Armin Veh: "Let's try the best."
SENSIBLE: "#!sas..#!*" (microphone broken, sry :) )
Armin Veh: "Our team were bad today.."
SENSIBLE: "hahaha... are u okay? Its realy hard to play versus your playing style, Armin."

Armin Veh: "We have a run lets bring this morale in the game!"
IL PROFETA : "I expect a good game!"
Armin Veh: "What to say... the rumours plays with 11 versus 10. We have an advantage of enemies red card and still we are in every position slower and not so aggressive as before. I have to congratulate the enemy team, their desire to win were amazing"
IL PROFETA: no comment

Armin Veh: "..bla.."
Allenatore: "..bla.."
Armin Veh: "Im really satisfy with this result. After a defeat its always good no matter how."
Allenatore: "non male..ho rischiato di farmi travolgere all'inizio poi non è stata male"

training camp begin
Armin Veh: "If my team like to loose ill send them with high class teams to a training camp. I hope i wont see a defeat anymore!"

training camp end

Armin Veh: "After these defeats in training camp, i hope my team has a desire to win the next games."
MCSHANE: "My team seem ok :) strengthened the squad a little from last season. Hoping to see them really show off there skills soon."
Armin Veh: "Im satisfy that training camp worked well to show today another face :)."
MCSHANE: "Need next game a good opener. need to score a goal. CE Frankfurt 96 is on the top of the leaugue as I see."

DoTa: "We know each other from ASL 3. Hard Opponent."
Ossi: "Its a Derby!"
Armin Veh: "Well done Team :)"
YILMAZ VURAL: "7-2 score to go nuts :p"

some friendlies

end of friendlies

no press today :/
Armin Veh: " We had real problem in the first half. After the 2:0 lead of OUTOFTHEMAZE, our team had this courage to fight back in team. They all have my fully respect :)."
EDDIE IRVINE: "Non sono soddisfatto, il mio avversario ha sempre tenuto in mano il gioco anche quando conducevo 2 a 0. Sconfitta giusta"

Armin Veh: "I hope will get better in game as last time. And hoping still for good result that we can qualify as soon as possible for C1."
MARCELLO LIPPI: "Siamo molto tesi,vogliamo vincere il campionato la squadra è in ottima forma"
Armin Veh: "Our whole Team especially Olliech did it well. Almost every shot a goal. I like!"

Armin Veh: "We want to win, but it could be hard, because BOCADITO JUNIORS played well vs a hard oppenent (F.C. Freedom) last game."
ALLENATORE: "We expect to lose but gain experience from it"
Armin Veh: "Im just happy to get 3 points. We werent really present at enemies box. With their tactic change we couldnt score that easily our goals"
ALLENATORE: "We gave it 110% but just weren't good enough."

Armin Veh: "I want and expecting a dominant win! For our supporters is this game one of the highlights in this season. I hope my team they will fight till end."
VLADIMIR BOWIE JR.: "Well, as Mr Dota, a former Croatian Scout of FSV Frankfurt took over as president and hired Veh from stuttgarter Kickers, results got slightly better over time, and now his team is on top flight and will surely promote... I expect many goals, as Frankfurt is still the favourite. I would sign for a draw gladly!"
Armin Veh: "I'm abit dissapointed about the game and refree. This refree should gave us more penalties xD. Nah, KV Red Michelen fight well and deserve this point. Even can be lucky that we get one point. We need to train harder that we are playing in rematch better."
VLADIMIR BOWIE JR.: "Very satisfied with the result...."

Armin Veh: "We have to do it better than last game. And im happy that it isnt raining today. So this can't be cancelled."
MANAGER: "We will be happy with a draw, the competition at the level is very high!"
Armin Veh: "The highest win in the history of CE Frankfurt 96. That makes me happy."
MANAGER: "...."

Armin Veh: "I hope we get build another winning streak this time to the rest of the season."
PEP GUARDIOLA: "I very much hope that I get with my crew at least one point. With no points I would not go out of the game"
Armin Veh: "The second win in a row, that makes me optimistic for the future."
PEP GUARDIOLA: "Ich bin nicht ganz zufrieden, da muss noch mehr kommen. Aber es wird sicher noch besser"

Armin Veh: "If we win this we got a win streak of three. But we know from preseason friendlies, that AC Dataspace are playing a very good passing system. We wont get much chances."
MARTIN COOPLAN: "I dont know what to say."
Armin Veh: "I'm happy that we take the few chances to score a goal, its really annoying to play vs AC, they wont give u the ball that easy. So fully respect to opponent team."

Armin Veh: "Lets go for the next win!"
CARLETTO MAZZONE: "Dove vado di conference? Dammi ip e ci siamo!"
Armin Veh: "Our supporters oO. Rematch after a 4:1, cant believe this refree decision. Fuck this hooligans. And also im very angry about the teamplay and defence in this rematch."
CARLETTO MAZZONE: "I think defense need to be more focused, getting 3 goals isnt something to be really proud, but in the end it is still a good point to move the league"

FED CUP 1/64
Really late delay of airplane of CE Frankfurt 96, so that there isn't time for press conference

Armin Veh: "YESSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! Next round plz!"

End - FED CUP 1/64

Armin Veh: "This game we need to win, F.C. Freedom is hunting us, so we have to take care that they wont come closer."
MUTENROSHI: "I hope to have fun!"
Armin Veh: "Im satisfy, but our attack has to be more concentrate next time."
MUTENROSHI: "... japanese or spanish..."

Armin Veh: "This game is really important for us, if we win we can go really relax on mid season vacations. So i hope my team is motivated enough!"
GIO GIO: "I loose, but if we not run i m going on bad because it's late"
Armin Veh: "Lets go to holidays :). Respect to Real Ricciotese, didnt expect that they have such a huge attacking power."
GIO GIO: "#####adasda+dsfas" not sure if understand the question

Armin Veh: "I needed to reorder my team back from holidays, cause boxterdrone dont has any idea of shedule system :/. And now the special one not even say a word. I hope my team will give them 5-6 goals, probably they will speak then!"
MOURINHO: *im the special one*
Armin Veh: "Lets go to holidays again :). Im angry, but my team need a pause, so its okay. I hope FC Carassi will get a punish for not playing whole season."
MOURINHO: *im the special one*

FED CUP 1/32

An easier lot we couldnt get. We have to visit the multiple championship winner of Seria A, URAWA ROSSY.
Armin Veh: "The favourite of the game is clear, we can write history on bothside, the team who will give the highest defeat in CE's history or we become heroes and kick Urawa out of the cup!"
YASUSHI FUKUNAGA: "I expect a total annihilation!"

Armin Veh: "Good job team. I think everyone can be proud for this performance. Till minute 70. we received just one goal. A mess we didnt score, we had 2-3 huge chances. Im happy with the performance, but not happy that we are not in the cup anymore. I wish Urawa Rossy good luck to winning this cup."
YASUSHI FUKUNAGA: "Wasn't easy, felt like a cold, wet, rainy night at Stoke!"

End - FED CUP 1/32

Armin Veh: "We played already versus Neobetis in Cup. Im hope we will again get a positive result."
CHUS: "Well we have a lot of problems in the start of competition, bad lucky games and defense mistake destroys us, so i want to make it change!"
Armin Veh: "Dominate win, without scoring more goals. There we have to improve ourself."
CHUS: "There are a lot mistakes to fix!"

Armin Veh: "I expect a good result and hoping to receive less goals."
GIO GIO: "Loose everytime, so now." Not very optimistic this coach
Armin Veh: "Good performance!"
GIO GIO: "Nooo, absolutly not satisfy."

Armin Veh: "After a 5:3 in first leg, we need to be carefully in the defence. I expect a win if our defender are not sleeping."
ZJAREK: "I expect a good match and many goals. CE is playing home, so we must play more defence"
Armin Veh: "Good defence. And good win. It wasnt really easier to play against 10 players. We did some stupid mistakes in midfield. I hope we will get this fix soon."
ZJAREK: "I had to rethink what diplomatically answer ... fault my goalkeeper at a start match and fault arbiter at red card for my midfielder set whole match!"

Armin Veh: "After a 5:2 in first leg, i expect a easy win."
ERODE RE: "5:2 ... 2:5 ... I expect the same result of the first match"
Armin Veh: "Im really disappointed!"
ERODE RE: "Italian point against the first class is a good result."

Armin Veh: "After a draw against MARCOSOFT, our team need to perform better if they want to promote to C1!"
EDDIE IRVINE: "I need to win!"
Armin Veh: "Not really satisfy. We got huge problem with our new system. We need to learn how to move and keep the ball in this new system."
EDDIE IRVINE: "Good team today, for me we played better!"

Armin Veh: "We need to perform better as last two matches!"
CARLO DI BORBONE: "I hope not to take other seven behind leaders pears"
CARLO DI BORBONE: "Shame about the expulsion, but the team has kicked off the character and this will be important for the rest of the season. and her coach as she saw the reign of the two Sicilies today?He is pleased with the performance of his team?"
ARMIN VEH: "Im really not satisfy. CARLO organize his team very well. But if we want to promote, we have to play better. I think with this performance REGNODUESICILIE should easily stay in this league."

Armin Veh: "I hope we find this game our rythm."
BEARDO: "We are keen to get revenge following our opening day defeat!"
ARMIN VEH: "It was okay. Need to be more efficient in attack!"
BEARDO: "i have to run. i'll see you around!"

Armin Veh: "After the shame of the first leg, we need to win this match!"
MOURINHO: "Una sola parola: VINCERE!"
ARMIN VEH: "It wasnt good, but okay. I think FC Carassi is a strong opponent."
MOURINHO: "No. Im not satisfy!"

All reporters were ill!
ARMIN VEH: "WHAT!!! I think im dreaming. A bit to early for my players it seems. xD Congratz Neobetis, only one who won both games aginst us! "
CHUS: "Yes, im satisfy. In this game i see strong defense, this is that i want! We have a bit of lucky, but lucky is part of the game too"

ARMIN VEH: "We need to peform alot better than last games!"
PEP GUARDIOLA: "Wir wollen erstmal eine lange Zeit das 0:0 halten, dann mit einigen Kontern zuschlagen und wer weiß was dann dabei herauskommt. Wir wollen Punkten!" (Translator Mr. Ogle: "We want first a long time the 0 : 0 hold , then strike with some counterattacks and who knows what then comes out We want points . ")
ARMIN VEH: "Im still not satisfy. If we play like this we wont be able to get even one point C1. Also i have to admit that PEP did coordinate his team very well."
PEP GUARDIOLA: "Wir haben bis zur 45. Minute 2:0 geführt, mussten dann binnen 7 Minuten drei Treffer hinnehmen, dennoch sind wir nicht auseinander gefallen und hätten in der Schlussphase sogar das 3:3 machen können, hatten aber Pech bei den Abschlüssen. das 4:2 in der Schlussminute war dann die Entscheidung" (Translator Mr. Ogle: "" We have until the 45th minute 2 : 0 out then had within 7 to three hits to accept , but we have not fallen apart and were in the final phase even 3 : can make 3 , but had bad luck at the financial statements of the fourth : 2 in the final minute was then the decision ") *funny economical translator*

ARMIN VEH: "Last game we lost aginst this team. I hope everyone will give 101%!"
IL PROFETA: "Gioco per divertirmi e questo quello che mi aspetto." (Translator Mr. Ogle: "I play for enjoy. ")
ARMIN VEH: "Im really satisfy with my attackers. This time they did what i demand whole second leg of tthe season!"
IL PROFETA: "Non è possibile essere soddisfatti dopo aver preso 7 gol meriti al tuo team ke ha saputo essere piu cinico" (Translator Mr. Ogle: " you can not be satisfied after taking 7 goals merits your team ke has been known to be more cynical")

ARMIN VEH: "The game was in first leg a draw, so we have to fight to suceed."
CARLETTO MAZZONE: "Hard to say. 3-3 was a great result if you think about the overall prospective, but winning always tastes better."
ARMIN VEH: "My respect to CARLETTO. With his tactic and way to play, they destroy our midfield completly."
CARLETTO MAZZONE: "Great match. Always a lot of fun against ARMIN. Result could have been everything, from 3-3 to 5-5."

ARMIN VEH: "This game will decide of the first place in league C2. I expect my team will do anything to suceed!"
SENSIBLE: "V for Vendetta!"
ARMIN VEH: "Atleast a draw, else we would have to watch how team gets in front of us in the table."
SENSIBLE: "Si per la reazione ma non tanto per la prestazione dei singoli un paio di svarioni difensivi ci sono costati caro." (Translator Mr. Ogle: "It is for the reaction but not so much for the benefit of individuals a couple of defensive blunders cost us dear")

VLADIMIR BOWIE JR.: "Very good game from Frankfurt, very efficient, totally deserved the win, hoping for Frankfurt to gain over 100 points. We have to settle in the midrange of the table, average season, but room for improving is still there."

MCSHANE:"Some goals!"
MCSHANE: "Yes did themselves proud - got the goals which I wanted"
Ultima modifica: 20/10/2015 00:49 da DoTa.
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I seguenti utenti ringraziano:: Armando, Seikiki, simonefla, Taffo, Antonio il Grande, Massyx, alpino

CE Frankfurt 96 04/09/2015 08:33 #23609

  • Massyx
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Welcome in league Fc frankfurt :woohoo:
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I seguenti utenti ringraziano:: DoTa

CE Frankfurt 96 17/09/2015 11:30 #24176

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Testing :)

Pressconference coming soon....
Ultima modifica: 17/09/2015 20:36 da DoTa.
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CE Frankfurt 96 17/09/2015 12:35 #24179

  • Taffo
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You're so strong, i think that c2 is your this season :)

Everytime i read your nick it come to my mind this song. :lol:

Ultima modifica: 17/09/2015 12:36 da Taffo.
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CE Frankfurt 96 17/09/2015 20:37 #24206

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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